As we watch our community evacuating their homes and our forests, scrublands, and fields burn, we want to share our support and sadness for the individuals impacted and for our friends who steward the parks and open spaces at risk.
Below are resources we’ve compiled to support those in crisis and guide those looking to help during the CZU Lightning Complex Fires.
- Receive email updates: https://tinyurl.com/czulightning
- Review a map of evacuation zones: tinyurl.com/storymapevac
- Map of fire zone: maps.nwcg.gov
- For the CalFire CZU information line, call (831) 335-6717
- For more information about where to evacuate, call (866) 272-2237
For a full list of evacuation centers, including availability and accessibility, visit: https://www.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/FireResources.aspx
- Congregational Church (AUTO), 4951 Soquel Dr, Soquel. Open for people as well as vehicles
- Cabrillo College (RV/AUTO), Lot K, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos
- Santa Cruz Bible Church (RV/AUTO), 440 Frederick St., Santa Cruz
- Seventh Day Adventists Campground, 1931 Soquel-San Jose Road, Soquel
- Coastlands Church (Tents/RV Parking), 280 State Park Dr., Aptos. Open to cars and RVs
Twin Lakes-Auto/RV (FULL), 2701 Cabrillo College Dr, Aptos. Up to 50 cars and RV’s, bathrooms, water and food available
- If you need assistance evacuating animals, please call (831) 471-1182
- Pets may be brought to shelter but must be under owner’s control at all times. A carrier may be helpful
- The Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds currently has capacity to board horses
- Check this spreadsheet for community provided resources available for evacuees, from rooms in people’s homes, to lodging for animals.
- The County of Santa Cruz has launched a hotel voucher program that evacuees can apply for by calling (831) 454-2182.
- Visit Santa Cruz County has compiled a list of hotels offering discounts to evacuees.
- Evacuees can apply for a federal assistance program to receive free hotel accommodations at any shelter site.
- The County needs donations of large family tents, cases of water, and other essential good (for full list of current needs, check here). Deliver to the County warehouse at the rear of the Emeline complex, 1082 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz.
- Community Foundation Santa Cruz County has established a community fire relief fund, which will distribute grants and gifts to those in need across our community and through a number of strategies.
- The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter needs cat litter boxes, cat litter, dry dog, and cat food. They are asking donations be dropped off at 1001 Rodriguez St. in Santa Cruz. If you have been displaced and need pet supplies, you can go to the Shelter for supplies (1001 Rodriguez St. in Santa Cruz).
- Volunteers are needed at evacuation shelters and the donation distribution center. Sign up through the Volunteer Center.
- Cal Fire is in need of call center volunteers at the County Courthouse in Santa Cruz. Sign-up for a four-hour shift.
- Stay home unless you are called to evacuate to help keep our roads clear for emergency needs. Road closure updates can be found here.
- Get prepared! Follow Cal Fire’s Ready, Set, Go guide.
- Monitor air quality to avoid putting yourself at risk from unhealthy levels.
- Be aware that wild animals are fleeing the fires and they may show up in your yards. Please bring domestic animals in at night and put out buckets of water for the wild animals that may come through. Visit the Native Animal Rescue page for details on what to do should you find an animal in distress or call (831)462-0726